Diabetes is a growing health problem in America today where almost 30,000,000 people have the disease, some of them not knowing that they do. Almost all people with diabetes face the same problems in dealing with their condition, to avoid further complications they must follow a diet that minimizes the build up of sugars in the bloodstream that arrive there as a result of the types of food they consume.
It is vitally important that diabetes patients follow an appropriate diabetic menu. With a healthy diet in place, patients can keep this health condition in check and live relatively normal lives. Making good decisions about what goes into your body will help you avoid the complications that typically accompany diabetes.
There are several forms of diabetes, the most common of which are classified as type-1 diabetes and type-2 diabetes, of which the latter form comprises about 90% of the diabetic population. In type-1 diabetes, the body does not produce sufficient levels of insulin. As a result, patients must give themselves daily injections to compensate for the imbalance. Type-2 diabetes patients also produce insufficient insulin. However, in type-2 patients, the body eventually stops responding to insulin altogether, resulting in additional complications and additional treatments. In both cases, following a diabetic menu greatly helps improve health.
Some of the most important items to include in a regular diabetic menu are meat, poultry, fish (for omega-3s), low carb (carbohydrate) vegetables and fruits, cheese, and yogurt. Good fish to consume includes salmon, tuna, sardines, herring, mackerel, and lake trout. Be very careful to avoid processed meats such as sausage, bacon, and luncheon meats. Carbohydrates cause blood sugar levels to become elevated, which is a danger to diabetes patients so it is important to shop carefully for fresh produce. Good low carb veggies include 1/2 cup servings of celery, zucchini, peppers, and broccoli.
Low carb fruits to include in your diabetic menu are rhubarb (1 cup serving), cantaloupe (1/2 cup), grapefruit (1/2 cup), and watermelon (3/4 cup). Food items such as string cheese, peanut butter, unsalted nuts, hard boiled eggs, avocado slices, popcorn, and sugar-free Jell-O make smart snack choices for in between meals.
Before leaving home to shop for your diabetic menu items, make a list of exactly what you will purchase. Having a visual list of what to buy will keep you from veering off track and picking up tempting items that will negatively affect your blood sugar levels. Also, it is wise to shop on a full stomach so that tempting snacks and sweets are easier to resist.
Non-caloric sweeteners are an excellent way to satisfy that sweet tooth without raising blood sugar levels. These include Sweet ‘n Low, Necta Sweet, and Splenda. However, the safest and healthiest sweeteners for your diabetic menu are stevia, agave nectar, and natural sweeteners.
Stevia is derived from an herb and has been deemed safe by the FDA. You can readily find it in most grocery stores. Agave nectar is derived from the agave plant and is much more concentrated than sugar. However, it does contain some carbohydrates so it should be used with caution. You may also use natural flavoring in your diabetic menu to add a little something extra to food or drink. Vanilla or almond extract, cinnamon, lemon, and lime are all safe for consumption.
In conclusion
Diabetes, if left untreated, can lead to the development of other serious and often life-threatening health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, limb amputation, eye disease and blindness – the leading cause of all of which is diabetes. Much of this can be avoided by following a well-designed diabetic menu from the time that the diabetic condition is first diagnosed. Don’t wait until the damage is done.