People with diabetes have special dietary needs to keep their blood glucose levels in a safe range. Fortunately, those needs are not that difficult to incorporate into one’s diet and not so drastic that diabetics cannot enjoy many foods they love. The main aspect of a diabetic diet is to reduce sugars and carbohydrates. Eating a variety of foods, with an emphasis on high fiber vegetables, fruits, and whole grains will help maintain blood sugar levels.
What does it mean to eat a wide variety of foods? It means simply to choose many different foods from the food groups. A good way to judge the variety is color. Eating a rainbow will ensure that there are many minerals and vitamins in the foods, along with plenty of fruits and vegetables. It is also important to be sure that there is enough protein and fiber and that fats and carbohydrates are limited. Whole foods are a good choice.
Another aspect of keeping blood sugar levels in check is portion sizes. Eating the right amount of food is almost as important as what one eats. People with diabetes should read labels and make sure they are eating the correct portions. There is information readily available on what a proper portion size is for most foods.
Being diabetic doesn’t mean one has to never eat sugars or carbohydrates again. Moderation is crucial to success in fighting high blood sugar levels. A diabetic should test frequently to find out what foods have a negative effect. It is still possible, however, to enjoy a piece of cake at a birthday party or go out to eat for an anniversary without fear. Diabetics would benefit from a consultation with a dietician to learn more about foods and the effects they have on glucose levels.