Type 2 diabetes treatment involves much more than monitoring your blood glucose level and taking your medication. Your doctor will tell you that proper diet and exercise is essential to long term health with type 2 diabetes. When you follow
Read MoreDiabetes Treatment
Real Natural Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Information
We Are In The Midst Of A Diabetes Epidemic!. Nearly 20 million people in the US have type 2 diabetes and another 45 million have pre-diabetes. Already, nine of every 100 people over the age of 20 have the disease
Read MoreHow Cinnamon Can Lower Your Blood Sugar – A Diabetes Treatment
Diabetes, the disease which was once considered the wealthy man’s burden, is no longer affiliated to the rich. It has become a common malady that is spreading its vicious tentacles far and wide day by day. It is a major
Read MoreBeginning Signs Of Diabetes – First 8 Warning Signs Of Diabetes
Diabetes is a serious condition that is lifelong and life threatening if not treated with respect. In the United States alone, it is estimated that over 20 million individuals suffer from this disease. Of those, it is estimated that at
Read MoreVitamin B12 and Diabetes Treatment – What You Must Know
If you are a diabetic and have been taking metformin for at least one year, you need to check your b12 level. There is an associated risk of b12 deficiency. This does not mean you stop taking your metformin. Metformin
Read MoreSymptoms of Diabetes
While it’s very easy to test for diabetes symptom , a simple blood glucose test is the determining factor, diabetes may not be easily recognized at first since so many of its symptoms are also common complaints for people who
Read MoreNew Types of Treatments For Type 2 Diabetes
Although several advances have been made on diabetes treatment, apparently, many patients have not made considerable changes in their treatments for the last 10 years. Somehow, there has been a lot of uniformity with drugs such as Metformin and the
Read MoreProven Herbs For Diabetes Treatment!
Are you suffering from diabetes? Using herbs for diabetes treatment is not a new option for the treatment of diabetes. People were using plants and plant extracts to fight this severe disease called diabetes. This article will tell us the
Read MoreType 2 Diabetes – Uterine Cancer and Diabetes
Uterine cancer is the most common kind of cancer of the female reproductive system in developed countries. It is the sixth most common kind of cancer in women worldwide, and the thirteenth most common cause of cancer death. The highest
Read More7 Forms of Insulin Used For Diabetes Treatment
All insulin is not the same. Insulin actually comes in several forms. Each of these forms are designed to work at different rates. These different forms of insulin are used because those with diabetes have very poorly regulated blood glucose
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