Diabetes Symptoms Quiz – How it Can Help You Decide If You Have the Warning Signs of Diabetes

Diabetes is a somewhat complex type of metabolic disorder, the early signs of which seem to be so absolutely harmless in nature, that they often go unnoticed by many patients. The early signs of diabetes such as excessive dryness of the mouth and persistent thirst, frequent urination, excessive hunger, unexplained weight loss, exhaustion and fatigue, skin dryness and flakiness, numbness and tingling sensation in the extremities of your body such as your hands, feet and fingers, leg pain at the time of walking, etc are all indications of the onset of this complex disease. If unattended, then diabetes can lead to more serious complications such as diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy, heart disease, strokes, diabetic neuropathy, foot ulcers or even amputation of a limb.

It is therefore, crucial to learn everything possible about this complex disease and its related complications, the treatment options available, and other important aspects of this disease through the use of diabetes symptoms quiz in order to avoid developing diabetes related complications. For instance, if you are using a diabetes symptoms quiz on the risk factors responsible for causing diabetes, then you would get to learn a lot of facts about the triggers and risk factors that are mainly responsible for causing this disease, such as a family history of diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, late-middle age period of your life, poor diet, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or several other factors, responsible for causing diabetes.

Similarly, if you are taking a diabetes symptoms quiz on the different signs of diabetes, then you will get to learn a lot about the different signs and symptoms of diabetes such as excessive thirst or hunger, frequent urination, feeling exhausted and fatigued, dizziness, blurred vision, sudden unexplained excessive weight loss, headaches whenever you maintain unusually long gap between meals, etc. Very often, the quiz becomes very narrowed in, with complete focus on one specific type of diabetes.

In fact, you can even assess your own susceptibility to diabetes by undertaking this kind of quiz. You can use a checklist of the symptoms of diabetes and put a ‘tick’ mark across the specific symptom which you experience or simply say “Yes” to the question you feel is right for you. For instance if you feel excessively thirsty, you can say ‘Yes’ or put a tick mark to the question – “Do you experience excessive dry mouth and excessive thirst?” This kind of a quiz can include several other questions such as:

  • “Do you experience the urge to urinate more frequently during night time?”
  • “Do you feel unusually tired and excessively exhausted or fatigued all the time?”
  • “Do you experience excessive hunger pangs and craving for sweets?”
  • “Do you suffer from sudden mood swings and irritability?”
  • “Do you experience any kind of tingling sensation or numbness in your hands, feet or fingers?”
  • “Do you suffer from blurred vision?”

Therefore, a diabetes symptoms quiz serves more as an awareness generation tool, which helps you familiarize yourself with the most important facts and some of the main symptoms of this disease.