Diabetes Reversing – How to Cure Diabetes

The raw food diet and a special kind of macrobiotic diet are just two ways to reverse diabetes. Though results are not assured because each case is different. Reason being that individual variables are many as overall health condition, allergies, capacity to metabolize certain nutrients and stress level plays a significant part. These below techniques apply mainly to Type 2 diabetes. This can as well be beneficial to diabetes Type 1 sufferers. All these approaches are to your general health and immune system too.

There Are Some Steps to Naturally Diabetes Reversing

* Number one step is to consult your doctor before making any change to your diet or any medications.

* The second step is to eat low-glycemic, organic, vegan, live raw foods. You have to choose foods that are grown in a hale and hearty way, with the least amount of chemicals. Meaning you should eat directly from nature. Also drink green juices of your liking, which are low-glycemic and full of nutrients to boost your immune system.

* The third step is to stay away from alcohol, refined foods, fast food, dairy, meat, caffeine, junk food, candy and sugar. Diabetic’s body need not to process complex fats and chemically unhealthy products and substances.

* The four step is to eat three meals and two/three snacks every day to keep up your metabolism.

You can make use of your juicer to make leafy green, apple and ginger juices to snack on and clean your system. Again choose your raw food combinations to make your juices keep up low-glycemic content.

* The fifth step is to exercise on a daily basis for 30-60 minutes, if possible cardiovascular activities, like walking or running.

Another Steps to Reverse Diabetes With Macrobiotic Diet for Diabetic

* Number one step: The dissimilarity between this kind of diabetic diet and the other diet is that foods here are, for the most part, cooked. In addition, the macrobiotic diet is based on the yin/yang principles applied to food and need some basic knowledge to get significant results.

* The second step is to choose healthy, unrefined, organic, whole foods. Prepare them and combine them in line with the macrobiotic guidelines.

A pressure cooker can be used to cook grains and beans to the correct degree while maintaining their strongest nutritional effect. Each type of grain, bean and vegetable should be cooked in line with the macrobiotic guidelines.

* The third step is to stay away from shellfish, all dairy foods, all animal food including red meat and red meat fish, all sweet foods and drinks, tomatoes, vinegar, fruit, melon potatoes, eggplants and all mushrooms.

* The number four step is that your every day nutrition must be low in fat and have protein and simple carbohydrates. Your main foods should contain brown rice (short, medium or long grain), millet, buckwheat, and combinations of rice/millet/buckwheat, sweet brown rice, azuki beans and rice and gomashio (roasted sesame seeds and sea salt, in a 3-to-1 or 5-to-1 proportion). Numerous side dishes are available, like shio kombu (seaweed), tekka miso, kabucha and other winter squash, and miso pickles.

* The fifth step: A specific edition of the macrobiotic diet is designed to have a stronger effect in the reversal of diabetes.

Diabetics should eat is brown rice only with 100 grams of potimarron (kombucha squash)and 50 grams of azuki beans on a daily basis. You may make use of your pressure cooker for best results.