Diabetes Cure: A Roadmap To a Reversing Diabetes

You First Need To Change Your Mindset

Traditional medicine teaches you to “manage” your diabetes. Everything in traditional treatment revolves around “controlling” your blood sugar. You will need a radical shift in how you approach things if you want to reverse your diabetes. “Managing the disease” and “controlling blood sugar” is not going to cure diabetes! Curing diabetes is a very obtainable goal but in order to reach that goal you must first make it your primary goal – NOT just controlling blood sugar. You need to get down to the root causes of the disease and fix THOSE. If you do this, your blood sugar will go down naturally.

Food Can Be Medicine and It Can Be Poison

Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician, is known for saying, “Let food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be food.” Food can literally cure disease or it can cause disease, depending on what you eat. People with diabetes have damaged their cell membranes through years/decades of eating toxic foods… and no, I’m NOT talking about sugar or fat. The endocrine system of diabetics is damaged and their hormones are out of balance. Eating the right food and eliminating toxic food like trans fat is literally like taking the right medicine and it will literally put you on the fast track to reversing your diabetes.

Start Taking Better Care of Your Emotional and Mental Health

When most people think about getting healthy and curing disease, they automatically focus on their physical health. However, you need to understand that your emotional and mental health very directly and emphatically affect your physical health. In fact, emotional and mental stress is the #1 overlooked cause of diabetes. Research has clearly shown that stress causes insulin resistance. It causes an increase in stress-related hormones which over time cause diabetes. Reducing stress will help cure your diabetes.

Exercise More But Not Necessarily In the Traditional Sense

It has been well proven that exercise can help with reversing diabetes. However, if you haven’t exercised for a long time, the idea of starting to exercise may seem daunting. If you are feeling this way, I want you to remember that exercise does not have to be a high energy activity like jogging, lifting weights, or aerobics. Research has shown that just a small amount of low-impact exercise can reap a huge benefit. Just a simple walk in your neighborhood, a little yard work, or just getting out of the house doing light activities can make a world of difference.

Dig Deeper, Pay Attention To Details, and Don’t Be Fooled By the Over-Simplification of Facts

If you get the right information, you will have the power to cure diabetes. You need to start digging deeper and understanding that details matter. Don’t accept everything at face value. Don’t rely on what you read in magazines or on the internet. The popular press often glosses over pertinent information – information that you need to really make a plan work. The press often omits important details and they almost always over-simplify to the point of not giving you all the information you actually need. You need to seek more detailed information whenever possible. You need to understand how important this is.

Take Good Care of Your Soul and Spirit

For some people this means being involved in organized religion. For others, however, this may mean something quite different: learning to take time to smell the roses, reconnecting with family and friends, pursuing hobbies that bring you great joy, visiting places that give you a sense of internal peace, exploring the wonders of nature, meditation, listening to 30 minutes a day of music you love, adopting a pet to share your life with, etc… Only you can decide what lifts your spirit and nurtures your soul. The point that I am making is that you need to make this one of the highest priorities in your life and don’t let anything stand in your way of doing so.

Be An Active Participant In Your Own Diabetes Cure

Most people that have cured their diabetes have one thing in common: they took charge of their own destiny. If you want to reverse diabetes, It is extremely important that you do not blindly follow what your doctor (or anyone) tells you. Your doctor should be an important adviser to you but he/she should not be running the show – YOU need to be the one in charge. The opinions and approaches of doctors vary widely. Some doctors are more compatible with the goal of curing diabetes naturally than others. If you find that your current doctor is resistant to this idea, it is probably in your best interest to shop for a new doctor.